
Dreaming of a better
world through our tech

Mohenic Software
The operating system for Mohenic Motors was independently developed and can be applied to a variety of EVs.

Mohenic Motors software collects big data and provides OTA services. With just a simple connection to the internet Mohenic Motors becomes one, worldwide.

Mohenic Software-Big Data Collection/OTA Service/EV
Mohenic Motors Module Technology
  • MCU
    The inverter controls the current, speed, and torque according to the operating conditions and motor status.
  • PCU
    Controls 4 MCUs according to the vehicle's status (acceleration, rotation, tilt, etc.).
  • PDU
    It distributes battery power to 4 inverters and vehicle power supply.
  • V2X
    It is a communication module for real-time vehicle control, firmware upgrade, diagnosis, monitoring, and big data.
  • EVCC
    Supports battery slow charging and fast charging.
  • BMS
    It supports safe operation and efficient management of batteries, real-time monitoring and remote control.
  • VSB
    It serves to change the voltage of the battery for fast charging.
  • VCU
    It collects data from all modules of the vehicle and controls the entire vehicle.